Ms Sara Levene
Genetic Counsellor
Sara is the Consultant Genetic Counsellor and PGD Lead (Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnsosis) at the Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health (CRGH), which is a leading IVF and PGD centre in London. Previously Sara worked for many years in the Clinical Genetics department at Guy's Hospital, where she was a member of the PGD team there. Sara's special interest is in genetic conditions which are more common in the Jewish population, and as well as previously running the Tay Sachs screening clinic at Guy's, she was awarded a Dept of Health funded 'Visiting Fellowship' to visit Jewish Genetic screening programmes in the USA, Canada, Australia and Israel in 2005. This lead to the UK National Screening Committee funding further work in 2008, to review the provision of Tay Sachs screening service around the UK. In 2013 Sara oversaw the development of a private genetic screening service for 8 other Jewish genetic disorders at both Guy’s Hospital and through the charity Jnetics.