News & Events
All Upcoming & Past Events

A night of laughter with comedian Zach Margs
Join us for a night of laughter, networking, and making a difference as we welcome Jewish Comedian Zach Margs for an exclusive event in support of Chana on March 30th.
You can indulge more than your sense of humour with a curated selection of fine Israeli wines and delicious cheeses
All event proceeds go to Chana!

Sponsored Walking Challenge - Every Step Counts
Join us for an inspiring day of connection and purpose. Sign up today and take part in a scenic walk along the breathtaking Seven Sisters cliffs—all while supporting a meaningful cause.
Together, we’ll make every step count.

Teacember 2024 Sign Up to Host
This year's theme is SHARING STORIES. Whether you would like to talk, listen, learn or simply show support, Chana is asking YOU to host a Teacember, and help couples in the Jewish Community struggling with infertility

Rosh Hashanah Simanim 2024
Chana’s Ladies Brunch 2024
It promises to be a very special morning, with delicious food, heart-warming speakers and a chance to hear, first-hand about Chana and the people they have helped along the years

Empowering Your Future: Fertility Awareness for Single Women
Join us for a special evening with guest speakers on 17th September to discuss the emotional and medical perspectives of going through egg freezing

Changing the Narrative
Understanding the mission as we enhance education and sensitivity while dismantling the ‘shidduch crisis’. Chana is proud to host an in-person event to hear about the ‘shidduch crisis’ from our esteemed speaker, Tzipora Grodko

Chana Inaugurates New Community Centre
Chana was delighted to welcome honoured guests to the formal inauguration of The Kasner Centre
Chana Walk 2024 - Every Step Counts

Medical and Halachic Dilemmas in Frontline Neonatal Care
Please join us for a special opportunity to hear Dr. Aryeh Simmonds, Division Chief of the Department of Neonatology at Laniado Hospital, as he discusses:
Medical and Halachic Dilemmas in Frontline Neonatal Care.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
Date: Thursday, 30th May
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: NW London

Chana’s 2024 Fertility Haggadah

POSTPONED: Menopause Matters: Expert Panel on Emotional Physical and Spiritual Health hosted by Fabaina Abadi
POSTPONED: Menopause Matters: Expert Panel on Emotional Physical and Spiritual Health hosted by Fabaina Abadi

Fertility Support 101: Navigating the Emotional and Physical Challenges Together
Fertility Support 101: Navigating the Emotional and Physical Challenges Together
21st June 2023 7:30pm - 8:30pm
The panellists:
Dr Veronique Berman -Scientific Advisor at Chana
Susie Holder - Clinical Lead at Chana
Emma Dorman - Senior Education Coordinator and the Children and Young People’s Education Lead at Jami.

Maccabi Community Fun Run 2023
Registration for the Maccabi GB Community Fun Run is now open!
Join team Chana for a great day out at largest community event of the year! You can take part in 1KM, 5KM & 10KM: There is something for everyone to enjoy!
Register here: https://www.communityfunrun.org/chana
Select CHANA and support couples in our community who struggle with fertility so that together we can help create lives!

Chana’s Fertility Haggadah 2023
Why is this year different from all other years? Read Chana’s answers in our special edition ‘Fertility Haggadah’

Mazel Tov to Dayan Zobin

Young Friends of Chana Presents: An Evening of Pampering & Relaxation
Join us for a girl’s night out on 6th November from 8pm-10pm for an evening of pampering. There will be a variety of stalls offering mini manicures, hair stylists, personal trainers, makeup artists, personal shoppers and much more

Chana’s Ladies Brunch
Join us this year to Chana’s Ladies Brunch. It promises to be a very special morning, with delicious food, heart-warming speakers and a chance to hear, first-hand about Chana and the people they have helped along the years

Chana is launching a Men’s Helpline
This month we wanted to let you know about our exciting new helpline timeslot on Mondays, especially set up to support men struggling with fertility. Our support worker Johnny Marks will be available Monday evenings from 7:30pm to chat and help answer any of the questions you might have

Maccabi Community Fun Run 2022
A huge thank you to: Adam Baron, The Grunewald Family, The Levi Family, The Levine Family, the Shafier Family and Ofir and Jacob Zaoui who raised funds running for us at last Sunday at the fabulous fun day at Stone X stadium.