Dr Hadassah Fromson
BSc, MSc, DPsych in Counselling Psychology
Support Worker
Hadassah is a Chana support worker, and has a degree in Psychology from UCL and MSc DPsych in Counselling Psychology at City University where her research area focused on sexual satisfaction in the Orthodox Jewish community.
Hadassah is the Community Rebbetzin of Golders Green United Synagogue and Yoetzet Halacha (Halachic advisor) through Nishmat's Miriam Glaubach Center.
She works with couples and individuals helping with relationship difficulties, infertility and sexual issues using an integrative therapeutic approach to suit the client's needs including CBT, Existential and Person-Centred Therapy.
Hadassah has previous experience working in the NHS and other charities. She also runs psychoeducation and training workshops in areas related to psychology and wellbeing such as mental health awareness, communication, relationships, sexuality and women's health.
She has a private therapy practice in Golders Green, working with a wide range of psychological and emotional issues.