Devorah Gelley
Advanced Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling MBACP, ADCPCAB
Support Worker
Devorah is a Chana Support Worker and as a Rebbetzen (Rabbi’s wife) and Kalloh (Bride Teacher), has a broad knowledge of the Jewish community, holding seminars for voluntary organisations. She is particularly knowledgeable in medical, fertility and sexual issues
Devorah is fluent, and counsels in English, Hebrew, Yiddish and French and as well as providing sessions for couples and individuals at Chana’s main clinic she also counsels in Stamford Hill.
Devorah has an Advanced diploma in Therapeutic Counselling (CPCAB) (MST) and is a registered member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). She’s had Psychosexual training at the Tavistock Institute and works extensively with couples experiencing relationship issues, sexual dysfunction as well as individuals that present with anxiety, depression and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in her private practice and for several organisations in the community.