With Chana you are not alone

Chana is the leading fertility support organisation for the Jewish community in the UK. 1 in 6 couples experience infertility. Whether you are trying to conceive, wondering where to start, going through treatment, coming to terms with the loss of a pregnancy, or simply have a question to ask and need support. Chana is here for you. We know everybody's experience is different, so we provide a bespoke package of services tailored to your individual needs.

Upcoming Events

New Episode of Unexpecting: A Chana Podcast

Season 2, Episode 5

Managing your Fertility and BRCA Gene Carrier Status

Join our conversation with Guida Kurzer, a qualified Nurse Practitioner currently working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the department of Gynaecological Oncology at St Barts and the London Hospital and Chana’s Medical Advisor, Dr Veronique Berman as they break down the challenges and options for fertility journey in BRCA carriers. Carrying the BRCA gene raises complex questions about fertility, family planning, and cancer risk.

Our Impact


Hours of Counselling Provided so far this Year


Chana Babies Born with Chana’s help


Chana Couples Being Supported Currently


Years of Creating Lives Together in the UK

If you’re seeking support, please call our free confidential helpline on 020 8201 5774

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